Read through The Top 3 Most Effective Home Pimple Remedies more

There are some home pimple remedies that anyone can do in minutes that rival all the best over the counter acne products These remedies can be just as effective as most expensive creams and gels, and are usually free or inexpensive. It should be noted that you should only use approved home remedies for treating acne, as some can be damaging to your skin. The face is very easily damaged, a fact which is compounded when there are open sores on it. These are the three most effective acne treatments you can use with household items:

#1. Orange Peel Remedies: Little did you know you can find an amazing acne fighting tool right in your kitchen! Oranges are full of nutrients that aid in healthy skin growth, and orange peels when ground work wonders in healing pesky acne outbreaks. Here are the steps: You need to take the peels of 2 oranges and shred and grind the peel into a paste substance thick enough to apply to your face. For the proper consistency about 1 cup of water should be added to the ground peel. Apply the ground orange peel and water mix to your face like you would with a facial mask and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then take a warm washcloth and rinse the mask away. This should be done once a day for a week, and skin should be noticeably clearer. Several companies are starting to capitalize on this by selling prepackaged ground peel mixes that you can mix with water, but doing it with our steps above won't cost you a dime.

#2. Toothpaste Pimple Remedy: All pimple remedies are designed to do one thing, dry out the pimple. Benzoyl peroxide and Salycilic acid are common ingredients in pimple treatments, and they are designed to (you guessed it) dry out the pimple. Believe it or not, paste based toothpastes will dry out the skin with the exact same effect when applied as a spot treatment on whiteheads. Try this: Find a paste based toothpaste (not a gel, they don't have as strong as drying characteristics) and apply it directly on the affected acne breakout. Put a dab on your acne flareups and head to bed. When you wake up wash it off with warm water and check out the results!

#3. Honey: Little did most people know that honey both exfoliates and is an amazing bacteria assaisin! It is used for facial masks when getting those expensive facials, but you don't have to pay the premium for the same effects on your skin! Honey can also be used as an effective spot treatment, just put a dab on the affected areas and wait a few hours for the honey to work its course in killing the bacteria found in pimples.

These three acne remedies can be used for little to no money and be just as strong acne fighters as the major brands creams and gels. There are tons of guides out there that will tell you to boil this root, shave this herb, wrap in cheesecloth, etc etc. I'm telling you DON'T pay attention! They aren't effective and they are expensive (and smelly!). For more information on this subject please visit Home Pimple Remedies

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The Top 3 Most Effective Home Pimple Remedies
