Examine Skin Care: I've Got a Pimple Can I Pop It? extra

Skin Care: I've Got a Pimple Can I Pop It?


No matter how old you are if you have oily skin, you will get white heads or pimples. AND no one wants to go out into the world with a large pimple on their forehead, chin or anywhere on their face for that matter.

So what do you do? Some say don't pop that pimple. The reason for this is that if it's not done correctly you may just end up spreading the bacteria around the rest of your face or you may cause an infection or scar.

Now done correctly, popping a pimple can actually be beneficial to the healing process. There are a few things to note before popping that white head. #1 make sure it is white and ready to be popped, squeezing a pimple that is not ready will only make it more inflamed and it will take even longer to heal. And #2 get the essential utensils.

Utensils - a sewing needle, tissue and rubbing alcohol

The right way to pop that pimple!

After the shower is the best time when skin is supple
Disinfect the needle and the pimple area
Gently prick the pimple with the sewing needle
Wrap tissue around your fingers and GENTLY squeeze from both sides
Stop when clear fluid or blood comes out.

You've Popped It Now What?

If you are going out then use camouflage to hide the redness
If you are at home then either put an acne treatment on it or crush an aspirin and spread it on the area to bring the redness down.

Now you know, you can POP that PIMPLE!

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