Understand Home Remedy for Acne Redness a lot more

If you're looking to heal an inflamed pimple and calm down the redness, then this article should give you all your answers. I've had many situations myself where I would have an event to go to the next day and I'd be stuck worrying how I could lessen the acne redness on my face. Here you'll be getting every home remedy for acne redness I've successfully used. This should give you the confidence to know that these remedies work! Let's begin...

Taking two Advil's is a nice start to calm the acne redness. Advil is an inflammatory and your skin will look less irritated in a matter of about 25 minutes after taking them.

If you don't want to take advice, rinse a washcloth under ice cold water. Apply the cloth to your face for about 5-10 minutes. When you take the wash cloth away, initially you face may appear red or pink from the cold temperature. However, a few minutes after, you'll notice the swelling of the acne has gone down and the pimples look much less irritated.

Dabbing some egg whites on the inflamed pimple works well too. The egg whites will absorb the bacteria and toxins in the skin. Afterwards, wash your face gently with cold water to reveal a more calm skin appearance.

My favorite home remedy for acne redness is taking an herbal tea bag and dipping it in warm water. Take the tea bag out and gently rub it all over your face. This will leave a brownish residue on your face. Leave the tea residue on your skin for about 5 minutes and then gently wash your face with cold water. Tea leaves contain Tannin which is a natural astringent. The tea solution will also absorb much of the bacteria that is causing the redness. When you wash off the tea residue, your face will be less inflamed and the redness will be gone.

Pimple Remedies

Ready for more? If you'd like to know every home remedy for acne redness, check out www.natural-acne-control.com. There you'll find out every other home remedy for acne redness you've been looking for.

Home Remedy for Acne Redness

Pimple Remedies

Read Get Rid of a Pimple Fast a lot more

Get Rid of a Pimple Fast


You have a hot date and you've picked out just the right outfit. A last check in the mirror before you walk out the door shows that you have a pimple. You must get rid of it fast, but how?

Most of us will just pop the darn thing and be on our way. The problem with this 'solution' is that if it isn't done right, the pimple will come back, bigger and uglier than ever, possibly while you are still on that date. The right way to pop it will not take much time and is more likely to be a more permanent 'fix'. First, use a warm washcloth to make sure that pimple is as close to the surface as you can get it, and your skin is feeling soft and supple. Make sure the washcloth is clean and sanitized. Next, get out a needle and that all-important isopropyl alcohol that almost everyone has in their medicine cabinet. You then want to sterilize the needle to avoid infection.. Carefully, insert the needle into the zit. If there is any pain at all, you have gone too far. Just under the surface is as far as you want to go. Now, since your fingers are NOT sterile, and will only add another infection to that pimple you just opened, get some tissue to cover them before squeezing from two sides, pushing down as well as in. If clear fluid or blood starts to come out, you've removed all the pus you can get at right now. You need to staunch the flow and go out to enjoy your date. There is nothing more you can do for now.

If you want to resolve an ongoing problem, you first need to know what a pimple really is. It's a clogged pore. If you are prone to pimples, the first thing you need to do is keep your skin clean. For people in their teen years, this may mean washing their faces three, four or more times a day. The excess hormones associated with puberty can rev up the oil production of your skin, clogging your pores and creating a perfect place for bacteria to multiply, causing a pus-filled pimple or zit. If you feel like your face is going to fall off with all the washing you are doing, yet you still have a problem, you may wish to consider laser treatment or other drastic measures.

That is just one method to get rid of a pimple fast. For more information on how to be acne free, click on the highlighted links.

Read Pimple Treatment much more

Basically Acne starts with an infection that is considered blackheads or pimples. Blackheads and pimples appear because of enlarged pores that get covered with grease, bacteria or even dead skin cells.

A pimple, when first developing, is invisible to the eye and will grow under the skin surface once infection sets in. As soon as this happens bacteria inside the inflamed pore will blossom and swell and expand into a pimple or blackhead. Our white blood cells will eventually begin to fight the infection and cause the pimple to go away.

Fact: Almost all pimples start the same way, with an infection. But, pimples take different forms and react differently according to the person who has them.

Types of Acne

Without inflammation

· Closed or Whiteheads: A closed follicle, a pouch like cavity, stays below our skins surface and is unable to open. This type of "Whitehead" will appear to the skin as small white lumps.

· Open or Blackheads: A closed pimple will enlarge and push its way to the outside surface of the skin. Blackheads are not necessarily related to dirty skin, but the excess of melanin (a dark pigment of our skin).

With Inflammation

· Furuncle: The Furuncle is the most common type of acne with inflammation. It appears as a small pinkish pimple and may feel sensitive to the touch. The Furuncle is considered to be the first step in a pimple becoming infected.

· Pimples with Puss: These differ slightly from furuncles, they are irritated and contain a yellowish, whitish center called puss. Pimples with puss usually mean that there is a lot of bacteria build up under the skins surface. Such a pimple almost always is caused by a chemical irritation to the sebaceous glands or components.

· Lumps or Nodules: These are large (often sore to the touch) lumps that are irritated. They are filled with bacteria and puss deep under the skin surface. This type of infected pimple will be seen in the most severe cases of acne and may persist for weeks or even months. The bacteria usually spreads to other areas causing an even larger outbreak. It is this type of Acne that leaves scars and pox marks.

How can you cure Acne ?

· Acne Prescription Medication: Some are applied to the skin (Topical) or many need to be swallowed / ingested.

Some of these medications include:

o Istretinoin is reserved for the most severe cases.

o Erythromycin is effective against a much of the different types of bacteria formed by acne.

o Tetracycline and derivatives reduce inflammatory lesions of acne. High doses can be prescribed for severe acne.

o Oral contraceptives has worked well with women under 35 and do not have other ailments.


· Antimicrobials work to inhibit acne population and can be used on patients that are mild to severe.

o Benzoyl Peroxide (which is found in most over the counter treatments).

· Retinoids this type of topical treatment usually is prescribed to tread mild to moderately severe acne.

o Adapalene

Remember each drug has its own side effects. Some side effects include but are not limited to: minor skin irritation, itching, burning, redness, (if taking while pregnant) birth defects, sun sensitivity, allergic reactions that can cause in death in rare cases, resistance to antibiotics, headaches, nausea, weight gain, thinning of hair (temporary), joint pain and decreased night vision.

If possible it is suggested that you try a natural homeopathic remedy for acne before you go to the doctor and get a prescription for a drug that might not work well or have terrible side effects. Below is a link to a natural alternative that includes some very efficient and simple methods for you to cure Acne naturally and for good! To learn more visit my blog see link below.


ACNEVOLUTION introduces an innovative and 100% natural solution. The average treatment time is three to six weeks with a complete cure happening within three months. To learn more Click Here!

Pimple Treatment


Read Get Rid of Pimples Fast - Home Remedies To Zap Pimples Quick more

Pimple Remedies

Pimples are a skin condition characterized by inflammation and red lesions on the skin. In some cases, people may have white heads or blackheads and others may have pimples. Many people have lived with this condition and have acne scars from the damage it causes on the skin. It is important to know how to get rid of pimples fast to fight the condition and be in control of your skin.

One remedy is made of a paste made from cinnamon powder and honey. The paste is most effective if used at night, therefore it should be applied before you go to sleep. Noticeable changes will be witnessed in two weeks or less.

Another way to get rid of pimples fast is mixing unboiled milk with ground nutmeg. These form a thick paste, which is then applied to the skin. One is supposed to leave it in for one to two hours after which the face is rinsed with warm water. It has been tested and proved and within two weeks of its use, people will experience clear skins free of marks. It is recommended that you keep applying the paste until all of the marks have vanished completely.

Some people have had success in clearing their pimples fast with a mixture of lemon juice and sugar. This is mixed and applied to the face until it dries. It is then washed off with warm water. Use this twice a day and you may be amazed with the speed at which your face becomes spot free.

Tea tree oil can be purchased at health food stores and is known for its antibiotic properties. This is a safe and all natural product that, when applied to pimples is effective at quickly clearing your skin and preventing future breakouts.

Another home remedy for pimples includes making a thick paste mixture with oatmeal and natural yogurt. Then, apply it on the face and let it to dry for a few hours. This is followed up with washing the face in warm water and pat drying it. For even better results, it is recommended to use this with an antibiotic cream. This cream should be chosen to match the skin type. This treatment clears acne in as early as a month and with no side effects. Since there are no side effects it may be used until the skin clears up and has a healthy glow.

If you are ready to Get Rid Of Pimples Fast [http://www.clearskinquick.com] for the sexy, beautiful complexion you deserve, Click Here [http://www.clearskinquick.com] now to find out how to get started.

Get Rid of Pimples Fast - Home Remedies To Zap Pimples Quick

Read Home Remedies For Pimples - Use a Natural Method to Cure Your Face Pimples! extra

If you want to know the best home remedies for pimples, keep reading!

Using homeopathic remedies for certain skin ailments is rapidly becoming the hottest thing to do. You can use natural products to fix many of the common things you encounter on a day to day basis. Acne is something that can be fixed by utilizing homeopathic remedies. There are several over the counter medications that you can purchase, but they are filled with chemicals that can do harm to the body in the form of side effects. Sometimes going natural is the best thing to do.

Acne can affect you at any age, not only when you are a teenager. Hormone changes, oily skin and pore infections can cause acne at any stage of your life. These are very natural occurrences, so using nature, you can fight back. The first step is to change your diet to clean the toxins out of your body. Drink plenty of water and eat foods high in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A. You need to balance the levels of sebum if you want to conquer the enemy known as acne.

If your acne is the type that causes swelling and tenderness to the touch, try this natural remedy. Start with sulfur. Small doses to start, and then gradually increase the levels. If sulfur alone isn't doing the trick, add a zinc supplement to your diet. Zinc is very good for the body! Not only is it good for the body, it is highly effective when your body needs to heal damaged tissue. Acne is really just damaged tissue.

Using these simple, natural steps, you may find that homeopathic remedies are more effective in fighting pimples than you thought.

If you want to know more about Homeopathic Remedies for Pimples, visit:


Home Remedies For Pimples - Use a Natural Method to Cure Your Face Pimples!

Pimple Remedies

Go through What To Do When My Eye Has A Pimple! a lot more

A stye (also spelled "sty") develops when a gland at the edge of the eyelid becomes infected. Resembling a pimple on the eyelid, a stye can grow on the inside or outside of the lid. Styes are not harmful to vision, and they can occur at any age.

Sties respond well to treatment, but can recur. If untreated, sties can eventually lead to cellulitis of the eyelids, a more serious condition. They are neither contagious nor a sign of cancer.


A stye initially brings pain, redness, tenderness and swelling in the area, then a small pimple appears. Sometimes just the immediate area is swollen; other times the entire eyelid swells. You may notice frequent watering in the affected eye, a feeling like something is in the eye or increased light sensitivity.

1. Redness, swelling, and pain in a localized area of the eye.

2. An external sty may be noted when there is a tender red nodule present below the lid margin; an internal sty may not have a visible nodule.

3. Slightly blurred vision.


Styes are caused by staphylococcal bacteria. This bacterium is often found in the nose, and it's easily transferred to the eye by rubbing first your nose, then your eye.

1. An examination of the eye generally confirms this infection.

2. Many sties will drain on their own, but to facilitate the drainage of the abscess and reduce pain, a folded clean cloth can be used as a compress. The compress should be dipped in warm water, wrung out until just a little dripping remains, and applied to the eye. Dip the folded cloth repeatedly to keep the compress wet and warm. Continue the application of the compresses for 10-15 minutes. Using a clean cloth each time, apply the warm compresses 4 times a day for 3 to 4 days.

3. Drug therapy can be prescribed by your health care provider. Do not use any medicine (including over-the-counter remedies) without checking with your health care provider. Generally, drug therapy includes antibiotic eye drops/ointment and, occasionally, an antibiotic taken by mouth. Carefully follow the directions prescribed by your health care provider.

4. If a sty does not drain spontaneously with compress application, visit your health care provider for assistance. Do NOT attempt to squeeze or drain the sty yourself. This will spread the infection and may cause cellulitis. Have your eye rechecked if symptoms persist after several days of treatment.

Most styes heal within a few days on their own. You can encourage this process by applying hot compresses for 10 to 15 minutes, three or four times a day over the course of several days. This will relieve the pain and bring the stye to a head, much like a pimple. The stye ruptures and drains, then heals.


Is Eye Sty [http://EyeSty.ewhy.info] Dangerous? Find out more about Hordeolum [http://EyeSty.ewhy.info] at [http://EyeSty.ewhy.info]

What To Do When My Eye Has A Pimple!

Examine Oily Skin? Finally, Effective Home Remedies For Pimples much more

An oily face is a matter of concern not only for teenagers and young adults, but also for those people who are in the pre-menopausal phase of their life. Oily skin and its related consequences such as acne and pimples can be quite embarrassing for the affected person and the ugly scars and blemishes on the skin can even lower the person's self-esteem. Unfortunately, there is no magical means of eliminating those genes from your genetic constitution that are responsible for bestowing you with an oily skin texture. You have to device ways and means to deal with the problems associated with oily skin such as acne, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, a persistent sheen on your face (with a shiny nose, those highly embarrassing shiny cheeks and a greasy forehead), etc.

Taking a high fiber low glycemic index clear skin diet, including loads of fresh fruits and vegetables (that supply your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals), and avoiding spicy and oily foods (such as pickles, greasy fast food items, carbonated beverages, caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, junk foods, etc), is the key to pimple prevention, although taking sunflower or soybean oils, which are rich in essential fatty acids greatly helps to control acne and pimples breakouts. 

Here are some useful tricks for zits prevention:

Applying a paste of crushed fresh fenugreek leaves mixed with water to your oily skin at bedtime and can be rinsed off with luke warm water in the morning. This process aids in the outbreak of pimples, prevents formation of blackheads and whiteheads, and even keeps off dryness, and the resultant wrinkles.
A paste of crushed orange peels mixed along with water can be applied to your oily face and can be rinsed off with luke warm water after 20 to 30 minutes for effective pimples treatment.
Application of 1 teaspoon lemon juice (either alone or as a mixture with 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder) is very helpful in reducing the size of the pimple.
One of the best home remedy for pimples is to apply a drop of garlic juice directly on the pimple. When garlic juice (which contains a strong and powerful antibacterial component, named allicin), is applied on the zit for just about 5 to 10 minutes, it is sufficient to treat the zit completely.
Apply either fresh mint juice or a mixture of turmeric powder along with mint juice to your oily face and rinse it off with lukewarm water after 20 to 30 minutes for prevention of outbreak of pimples and acne. Alternatively, even a paste of one teaspoon of coriander juice with turmeric powder can be applied on the face for pimples treatment.
Applying a paste of honey mixed with cinnamon powder on the pimples at bedtime and rinsing it off next morning with lukewarm water will keep pimples away for a long time.

Similarly, there are a lot more tricks for zits prevention, which when coupled with a clear skin diet, are sure to keep pimples away from your oily face. 

Pimple Remedies
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Oily Skin? Finally, Effective Home Remedies For Pimples

Study Homemade Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Pimples - Be Your Own Doctor more

Nothing could be more annoying than to find a pimple on your face one fine morning. It becomes worse if it happens before a big event, which you have to attend. There are some homemade remedies on how to get rid of pimples, which give quick results and are easy to apply.

Some Homemade Remedies

Always remember never handle a pimple. The pimple becomes more inflamed. Handling spreads bacteria and germs, which caused the pimple, to other parts of the face and may cause scars.

Every half an hour hold an ice pack against the pimple for 2 minutes to reduce the inflammation. Holding a tea bag or a cotton ball dabbed in lemon juice against the pimple can also reduce the inflammation. A dab of toothpaste (not gel) applied before going to bed can also be soothing.

Apply a cream or ointment containing benzene peroxide or salicylic acid on the pimple or your entire face. Don't apply too much as these creams can dry the skin. Don't use it if your skin is sensitive.

If you have no time for remedies and want to hide the pimple then cover the pimple with a flesh colored concealer. The concealer also hides the oily shine.

Wash your face 2 or 3 times a day with lukewarm salted water. Do not use soap as it dries the skin and may aggravate the pimple. Lukewarm salted water removes the oil without drying the skin too much.

You may also use unscented soap or a specialized acne cleanser at home that contains no harsh chemicals such as lye. Gently scrub the skin dry with a soft cloth. Hard rubbing might let out the skin's natural oil, which helps contain the spread of the pimples.

Whenever possible wear an oil free make up. They prevent pimple build up that cause scars. Remove the make up every night and clean the face with an acne-fighting medicine to remove oil, dirt and bits of make up from within the skin.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water. Garlic Juice with 3 parts water is an excellent cleansing agent. Raw garlic applied (rubbed) on the face can make persistent pimples disappear without a scar with repeated applications.

Following these tips will get you results within a few days. If your pimples are a recurring problem then drinking lots of water, proper diet and facial masks are the long-term remedies. In case of major outbreaks consult a doctor for specialist advice.


Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of www.myacneskintreatments.com. Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at www.myacneskintreatments.com/Natural-Acne-Treatment.html

Homemade Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Pimples - Be Your Own Doctor


Understand The Best Treatment For Pimples - Fast Homemade Pimple Remedies! far more

The Best Treatment For Pimples - Fast Homemade Pimple Remedies!

Pimple Remedies

Acne or pimples are what nobody would want to see on his or her face when looked at mirror. Whether it is pimples, acne, blackheads, whiteheads or zits, they all make people feel uncomfortable and we are about to discuss the best treatment for pimples or acne. Many people are looking for fast homemade pimple remedies these days.

How to get rid of a pimple overnight

To treat pimples then get ready a little tub of neat warm water and a different one with cold water. Soak a face towel or sponge in every one of them. You have to apply the warm moist towel on the acne pimple affected region and press it lightly in a jiffy; followed by applying the cold moist towel over the region and alternating the two for about 5 times in all.

The warm water will help out in opening the pores and at the same time the cold water help to close them. This method will assist to get rid of much dirt and white heads from underneath the skin. This is a good process to rid pimples.

Once you are through with that then bathe the region with facial wash or mild soap, wash it off last time with warm water and blot it dry with a different towel. After that apply some alcohol and toner there. Any acne or pimples in that part should go away within the next few hours. Doing this well is a good home remedy for pimples.

You will be surprised at how helpful these trouble-free procedures can help out to remove pimples virtually overnight. This process will as well work even on those who have harsh acne. I tell you this is one of the or the best treatment for pimples or acne.

Below are some do's and don'ts on how to treat pimples:

#You shouldn't pinch or pick your pimple. If you do then it will cause it to inflame and grow into a large red spot. Moreover doing so may distribute bacteria all over to other parts of your face most especially if your skin has other open pores. And to worsen it, you will as well risk long term severe acne scarring. To clear pimples, you wouldn't want to do that right?

#If it is causing some pain to you or swelling, apply an ice pack to the acne affected region for some time and repeat this for each thirty minutes. On the other hand, you can make use of a dirt free cloth to envelop the ice cube as well. Smearing some toothpaste on the affected pimples parts can help reduce redness and soothe irritation. Alternatively, pressing a dampened teabag against the spot will also reduce inflammation. This is another pimple treatment and another type of the best treatment for pimples.

Bruce Dan was a victim of acne and after setting himself free with the best Treatment For Pimples and acne, has being using his write ups to help others as well set themselves free.

You can learn how Acne No More which is one of the best homemade remedies for acne pimples helped him at his blog http://www.myacnenaturaltreatments.blogspot.com/

Examine Home Remedies For Acne and Pimples far more

We are aware that acne or pimples are caused by hormonal imbalance, improper skin care or bad eating habits. Though there are many acne medications out there, sometimes a few steps to improve our quality of life can help to cure acne. The remedies below will help treat your acne within a few weeks and help to improve skin disorders. Rest assured, you will not have to spend much.

- Make a paste with orange peel; apply directly to pimple and around (to reduce redness). Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse.
- Rub fresh garlic gently around pimples. This method may burn a little if you use to pop your zits. Apply regularly and you will notice a change within a week.
- Grind nutmeg with some milk and apply to the affected area. You can also massage slowly to help exfoliate the skin. Be gentle while massaging as this can cause zits to break thus can leave you with a scar.
- Mix cinnamon powder with a lemon juice, make a paste and apply only on pimple. Best to use on the ones that has puss inside, these are usually yellow.
- Mix rose water and lime juice, apply to affected area and leave for 30 minutes and rinse. This is great for relaxation.
- Use the pulp of a ripe tomato, apply on your face and leave for about an hour. Rinse with warm water.
Acne treatment can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars with over-the-counter drugs but can be treated faster with natural remedies and also you will get better results. Try the methods above, not all at once. You can stay with one for a whole month to see if it works for you then move to another.

Pimple Remedies

As you may have noticed, the best ways to get rid of acne is with natural methods. Since acne is caused by toxins overload in the body, you can use this detox method http://morereviewz.googlepages.com/acnefree first and then use the above remedies to keep your skin acne free.

Home Remedies For Acne and Pimples

Pimple Remedies

Read Make Your Own Home Remedy Zit Cream much more

Face it...no one wants to wake up with a zit.

It's a painful and embarrassing skin blemish that always seems to pop up when you least expect it (or need it).

Whether it is picture day at school or right before your big date, a skin blemish can ruin your day.

Instead of suffering through these unsightly blemishes or picking at them, which can cause your skin to scar, use a home remedy zit cream that is effective and inexpensive.

These creams and potions can be quite expensive if purchased at your local drug store or department store.

Why spend money for fancy packaging or a name brand when you can make you own home remedy zit cream.

Your first step to curing your acne problem is to take care of your body from the inside out.

Eat a well balanced diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, and get an adequate amount of sleep each night.

Ensuring your body is healthy inside and out will prevent the number of pimples and the frequency of your breakouts.

How About This Home Remedy Zit Treatment?

When beginning to make your home remedy for zit and pimples, look at items in your kitchen, pantry, or refrigerator.

p>When a pimple pops up, rub crushed garlic cloves on the skin.

The garlic will reduce swelling as well as cure the pimple.

Another great homemade recipe is to mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Apply this mixture to any pimples and watch them shrink!

There are a number of great homemade remedies to reduce and prevent skin blemishes.

It is important you correctly care for your skin in order to ensure your body's largest organ ages gracefully without unsightly scars or uneven texture.

These great remedies will fit into any budget and ensure your skin is perfect for those big days and every day.

Pimple Remedies

Discover more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments' find some Acne Alternative Treatments [http://www.acne-care-and-skin-treatments.com/acne-alternative-treatments.html]

Make Your Own Home Remedy Zit Cream

Pimple Remedies

Understand Home Remedies For Pimples That Work a lot more

In order to quickly and effectively take care of your pimple problems, you need to have as many options available to you as possible. Anyone who knows about acne treatment will tell you that the more you know the better. You more ways you have of killing those pimples the better chance you will have of destroying them for good and quick. Nobody wants to have to walk around with a bunch of zits and pimples all over their face, and neither do you. There are some great home remedies for pimples that you will want to know, and this article will outline some.

How do you know that home remedies are right for you? Well there are a few things to consider in determining that. One factor is are you tired of paying the high prices of acne treatment products on drugstore shelves and not getting the results you want? If you aren't seen significant results within the first couple weeks of using the product, then chances are it's not going to work at all.

Don't get tricked into thinking that you have to wait months or even years to start clearing up your skin. With home remedies you will get results only days after you initially start using them. For example, take a spare fruit or other food you have such as a cucumber and you can mash it up to make a fine paste out of it. You take the paste you made and use it as a facial mask to let sit on your skin for around twenty minutes.

This is good to do because the longer it sits on your skin the more it seeps into the pores, cleansing them of all the dirt and bacteria and oils that clogged in up, causing your acne to form in the first place. Home remedies for pimples have been around for years and continue to lead the way in removing any traces of acne you may have.

Pimple Remedies

Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.

But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in just a few weeks.

Click below to see what I'm talking about

=> http://www.cureacneholistically.net <>

Seriously, stop wasting time and money on treatments that just don't work. It's not worth it!


Home Remedies For Pimples That Work

Pimple Remedies

Go through How to Get Rid of a Big Pimple additional


Dealing with a big pimple can be tricky, I have found that the bigger they are the more painful they become. You want to do anything you can to get rid of it, and I'm sure you're are moments away from giving it a good squeeze or a prick with a needle. Stop don't do it, as much as you think it's the best way to get rid of it, it will only come back and most likely with a vengeance. So what should you do? Well I'm hear to help you figure out how to get rid of a big pimple, so you don't do more damage than good.

Popping or squeezing a pimple is never a good idea, sure it goes away momentarily, but it's short lived, if you are lucky you will have 1 maybe 2 days without it's big ugly head staring you back in the mirror. Popping the zit also leads to more risk of permanent scarring. If you think that the pimple looks bad, you should see what it looks like after repeated popping.

I'm not going to bore you with all sort of advice about changing your diet, and being more active, because that's not what you are looking for right now. You want some advice to get rid of it, right?

OK hear goes:

A dab of toothpaste not the gel type, but good ol' fashioned white regular paste, on that big sucker and leave it on overnight. This helps to dry out the puss inside the pimple and reduce the swelling. Repeat for a few nights and your pimple should be gone by the following morning.
Another great tip is to apply ice. You'd use ice any other time you have swelling wouldn't you? A great method that I found online while browsing some sites was to use a small bathroom size dixie cup as an ice mold. This will make holding the ice much easier and comfortable for you. Hold the ice to your pimple and keep it there for 15 minutes or so. Repeat through out the day, the swelling should have gone down and be a smaller zit by morning.
A paste of baking soda and water is another method you can use, that works at shrinking your pimple. The application and method is identical to the toothpaste method.

The above are the best home remedy methods you can use to shrink that sucker down and eventually get it to disappear. Something to keep in mind is that everyone is different and our bodies react to differently to everything, so when you are looking for a method on how to get rid of a big pimple, keep an open mind and be willing to try a few different things.

Now pay close attention.

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on getting rid of pimples. Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!

How to Get Rid of a Big Pimple


Read through How To Get Rid Of Pimple Scars - Best Remedies far more

Sometimes acne scars can be a greater concern than acne. At times, they might take a long time to go away and in some cases, they are very hard to remove.

Scars that are not that big can be treated with home remedies. In this article you will find some of the most common remedies on how to get rid of pimple scars, that you probably already have in your house.

Keep yourself hydrated
Because of the different cleansing properties of water, some people believe the best remedy for acne scars is to drink plenty of water. This has to do with the fact that you can grow faster skin cells when you have plenty of water in your body. It is also easier to get rid of dead skin cells when you are hydrated.

Drink lemon juice
Drink a couple of glasses of lemon juice to help get rid of dead skin cells. As a result new skin cells will be more elastic and healthier.

Eat your veggies and fruits
You can find plenty of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables, which can help grow your skin healthier.

Get some Aloa vera
Aloa vera gel or juice can help rid your skin of acne scars and also it will make your skin look healthier. To get the product that will work best for you, make sure to check out the many reviews out there regarding this product.

Use Tomato
A quick remedy to heal acne scars is to use tomato which stops the overproduction of sebum which contributes to the formation of acne scars. It also has antioxidant properties which help repair the skin. Just slice a tomato and put it on your face everyday to reduce the scars.

None of these remedies work overnight and should be followed for a couple of months. The best way to avoid acne scars in the first place, is to eat a healthy diet and live a healthy lifestyle by doing exercise. This will help eliminate toxins that can contribute to acne. This way you won't have to go to the internet looking for ways on how get rid of pimple scars. It's always best to prevent.

Pimple Remedies

To learn more about how to get rid of acne scars please visit: [http://www.howtogetridofpimplescars.info]

How To Get Rid Of Pimple Scars - Best Remedies

Examine Can the Zeno Device &quot;Cook&quot; a Pimple? more

In the news there is a new product called the Zeno Device for acne and it works by following a most interesting principle, "cooking" the pimple, but before that is discussed, understand that acne vulgaris, the most common type of pimples is caused primarily by bacteria.

There are a lot of myths about pimples and what causes them. Teenagers in particular believe that pimples are caused by greasy foods like pizza and potato chips and another food item that gets blamed is chocolate. These are some of the myths about pimples and acne. There is only one food item that has been scientifically shown to cause acne breakouts and that is dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream.

In addition to dairy the primary causes of pimples are stress and hormones. It is likely that lifestyle habits that can increase stress such as a lack of sleep and a refined food diet are secondarily responsible for acne breakouts.

So dairy, hormones and stress are known to cause pimples and acne but without bacteria the unsightly pimple would not exist. Prior to the pimple formation a pore has become clogged with excess sebum, natural oil in the skin, and dead skin cells. This clogged pore can darken and a blackhead will be the result. These are the ideal conditions for a bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes to proliferate and cause the inflammation. Left untreated or dealt with improperly this inflammation will progress to pustules or lesions and can likely leave scarring or hyperpigmentation.

The Zeno device addresses pimples by sending a safe heat into the pimple which kills the bacteria. The Zeno will work for 2 1/2 minutes before it automatically turns off. This heat will kill the bacteria that are responsible for the infected pustule. In clinical trials the Zeno was shown to cause 90% of blemishes to disappear or fade when observed at a 24-hour post treatment checkup.

The ease of use that the Zeno Device offers should be accompanied by a good lifestyle and proper skin care and hygiene.

The Zeno acne device is not effective when used to treat blackheads or cystic acne. The Zeno is FDA approved. The only noted side effects of the Zeno are temporary redness of skin.

If the Zeno can keep someone from taking prescription medications for their pimples and acne they should refrain from their potentially dangerous medications and faithfully use the Zeno.

So this is an interesting way to address pimple problems, to "cook" the pimple.


Discover more about skin conditions and natural skin care products along with the best acne products by visiting my website. Everyone knows that by clearing up your skin your confidence will get a boost and you can start a new life.

Can the Zeno Device "Cook" a Pimple?


Examine Home Remedies For Acne Scars - Remove Pimple Scars Safely more

Home Remedies For Acne Scars - Remove Pimple Scars Safely

Pimple Remedies

Even after the cure of the acne the marks of the acne like acne scars and acne pores still remain. When the acne is in severe condition then it causes cysts under the skin which is known us nodules and it result into scarring. Acne of this type is more likely to leave permanent scars in comparison to other acne. Especially women get concerned about these scars as these scars are often prominently visible on the face.

Acne scars can be successfully treated by the help of home remedies. You can try these popular home remedies -

1. Apply the freshly squeezed juice of fresh lemons or limes directly to your acne scars with the help of cotton ball. Leave it for sometime so that skin may soak up the lemon juice and then wash it off. This home remedy of lemon juice will reduce the appearance of the pimple scars and blemishes by lightening them.

2. Tomatoes are also very effective in reducing the effect of acne scars as tomatoes are rich in vitamin A which hinders the overproduction of sebum that result into acne. Vitamin A also consists of antioxidants qualities which refreshes and renews the damaged and scarred skin.

3. A facial mask made from the paste of sandalwood and the rosewater can be applied directly on the scarred area. Leave this paste for one or two hours or if you wish you can wear it for whole night. Wash it properly and completely with water. Sandalwood gives soothing and cooling effect on the skin. It is an effective method to treat the acne scar.

4. Honey is also very effective in treating the acne scars. It acts as a natural moisturizer which helps in treating the acne scars. Honey can be used as a face mask or it may be taken orally. It is formulated especially for honey pimple scar treatment.

5. Cucumber is also very effective for treating pimple scar. It refreshes the skin, soothes inflammation and also pimple scars.

6. Make a paste out of fenugreek leaves and use it as a facial mask. You can also boil fenugreek seeds in water and use the solution on pimple scars when it cools down.

7. Make a mixture by mixing 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and also a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture onto acne scars. Leave it for 8-10 minutes and then wash it off.

Read more Acne Home Remedies. Know how Erectile Dysfunction Treatment works.

Go through Acne Pimple Home Remedies far more

Pimple Remedies

Plugged pores in our skin cause acne. When hormones in the sebaceous glands (microscopic glands in the skin which secrete an oily/waxy matter, called sebum, to lubricate the skin and hair of mammals) of the skin clog you can develop blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. Although they are most common on the face, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and back, pimples can erupt anywhere on our bodies.

Acne can appear at any age but is most common among teenagers. It is considered a chronic skin disease. As much as I try to preach to my teenagers that acne originates from their bad eating habits, they don't want to listen and cut out sugary, fatty foods and excess starches. Naturally, these are all of their favorite foods! Acne can also result from chronic constipation, which also results from an improper diet.

There are some home remedies that you can try to help your ailing teen that are both inexpensive and effective.

In a quart of purified water, boil 50 gm of raspberry, strawberry or blackberry leaves. You can use them individually or make a mixture of the different leaves. Let boil for about 3 minutes. Remove from the stove and let cool. Once it has cooled try applying it directly onto the affected area. This formula will soothe the skin and relieve itching.

Another great acne home remedy is to make a mixture of natural, unsweetened yogurt and fine oatmeal. Form a thick paste with these two ingredients. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it dry on the skin. After the paste has dried, use lukewarm water to rinse the area. Then pat dry with a warm, dry towel.

The aloe vera plant is touted for its many benefits. Among them it is a wonderful acne home remedy. For the best results, extract the gel directly from an aloe vera plant by snipping a small piece off of a leaf and squeezing out the gel. Apply it to the affected area of the skin and let it absorb. However, if you are not able to obtain an aloe vera plant, the market is filled with soaps and gels that contain aloe vera. Try to find one that is 100% aloe vera gel with no additives or chemical preservatives that may irritate the skin further.

The zest of the orange can help acne. This is one of our favorite home remedies for acne. The results are fabulous. Zest a portion of an orange and mix with a tablespoon of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon powder. The mixture should form a paste. Apply to the affected area of the skin at bedtime and wash off the next morning.

My daughter likes to use this daily acne wash. She whips it up herself and uses it when she has an eruption. Mix a few tablespoons of white flour into 8 oz of milk.

Remember, the best way to try to control acne is through diet. Cut out excess sugar, refined carbs and foods that are high in saturated fats. If your teenager is not willing to relinquish any of his/her favorite foods, rest assured that the acne will most likely not follow them into adulthood!

Try these acne home remedies in the meantime for some short term relief of the problem!

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, I completely changed my lifestyle, dropped almost 50 pounds and began a regimen of complementary treatments to support my immune system and get my body healthy again. It is one year later and I am feeling great. Please visit my website. There you will find lots of total cleanse information and health tips.

Acne Pimple Home Remedies

Pimple Remedies

Study Skin Care: I've Got a Pimple Can I Pop It? much more

Skin Care: I've Got a Pimple Can I Pop It?


No matter how old you are if you have oily skin, you will get white heads or pimples. AND no one wants to go out into the world with a large pimple on their forehead, chin or anywhere on their face for that matter.

So what do you do? Some say don't pop that pimple. The reason for this is that if it's not done correctly you may just end up spreading the bacteria around the rest of your face or you may cause an infection or scar.

Now done correctly, popping a pimple can actually be beneficial to the healing process. There are a few things to note before popping that white head. #1 make sure it is white and ready to be popped, squeezing a pimple that is not ready will only make it more inflamed and it will take even longer to heal. And #2 get the essential utensils.

Utensils - a sewing needle, tissue and rubbing alcohol

The right way to pop that pimple!

After the shower is the best time when skin is supple
Disinfect the needle and the pimple area
Gently prick the pimple with the sewing needle
Wrap tissue around your fingers and GENTLY squeeze from both sides
Stop when clear fluid or blood comes out.

You've Popped It Now What?

If you are going out then use camouflage to hide the redness
If you are at home then either put an acne treatment on it or crush an aspirin and spread it on the area to bring the redness down.

Now you know, you can POP that PIMPLE!

Want to read more beauty tips and techniques http://BeautyConnexion.com

Read How to Remove Pimples Using Natural Home Remedies extra

Acne can be a devastating skin condition that can lead to many unpleasant side effects. Chances are, that if you're reading this you have pimples and you'd like to know how to remove pimples. Luckily, I've dealt with acne in the past and I can tell you how I used natural home remedies to be completely free and clear of acne. If over the counter products, oils, creams and other products haven't worked for you, you might as well try to get rid of pimples by using natural remedies.

It remains fact that treating pimples and acne can be a very time consuming process. A person with recurring pimples will have to go through many different treatment and regiments in order to get the acne to clear up and go away. Banishing every single pimple is hard enough, preventing them from ever coming back is even harder. How to remove pimples using natural home remedies is a lot easier than you might think. It doesn't require a lot of time on your part, and almost all of the methods are cheap and inexpensive. Here are a few that I've used in the past and had success with.

For starters, it's absolutely essential that you never squeeze or pop your pimples. It may seem the best short term way to get rid of zits, and it works. But you're actually doing more harm than good. When you pop zits, other bacteria can spread and cause future outbreaks. This is very bad for the long term acne treatment success. A simple home remedy is using toothpaste. It must be a non gel type of paste and your skin must already be clean before applying. Put a little toothpaste on your zits and leave it there overnight. When you wake up the next morning you'll notice that the pimple has significantly decreased in swelling.

Another method on how to remove pimples is by using egg whites. Egg whites have the capability of drying out your pimples and can be used as a naturally effective method. Virgin coconut oil has the same properties as egg whites and can also be used for drying out pimples and causing them to go away. Just keep in mind that you must always wash your face before applying egg whites, because if you don't you can actually trap oils and toxins which will lead to more breakouts.

One last technique on how to remove pimples is by using lemon juice. High acidic juices contain a chemical property that helps reduce the pimple and eventually cause it to go away completely. All you have to do is apply a little lemon juice to a cloth and dab it on each pimple, or you can just wash your whole face with it. Clean your face before applying, but not after. The longer it sits the better.

Hopefully these natural home remedies for how to remove pimples will work for you. If one method doesn't work must try another. You'll find something that will help you clear up your skin. It took me some time, but I eventually removed all my pimples and I now have clear acne free skin.

Pimple Remedies

Not only does Jeremy enjoy living acne free, but he enjoys well landscaped yards as well. Come visit his latest website over at MTD Mower Parts and learn more about mowing and the MTD Lawn Tractor.

How to Remove Pimples Using Natural Home Remedies

Pimple Remedies

Read Pimple on Lip far more


Pimple on Lip - What You Can Do

What does a pimple on lip areas mean? In most cases, the lips can be just as problematic for acne development as other areas of the body. However, there is some risk that the pimple here will be from an infection or illness. Do not confuse a true pimple with a cold sore. In most cases, pimples have a more prominent presence and do not have an open sore unless they have been broken into. For those with a true pimple on lip areas, there are options to help to reduce its appearance and to reduce inflammation.

What Causes It?

Pimples appearing on any area of the body are often caused by inflammation of the pores. When facial pores, which is a small section of the skin, has oil buildup or a significant amount of dead skin cells, this leads to bacteria growth. Bacteria benefit from this moist, warm atmosphere along with the benefit of having the ability to feed from the dead skin cells. As a result, the bacteria can grow quickly and too fast for the body's immune system to keep it under control. The result is the formation of acne.

Getting Rid of It

In order to get rid of a pimple on lip areas, you will need to be cautious. Not all treatment options are effective or even possible to use on your lips. There are a few things to keep in mind with these products.

1 - Choose products that help to reduce oil production on the lips. A pimple on lip skin may be due to over oil production.

2 - Use products that are safe to put on or near your mouth. The key here is to avoid any chemical-based products that are harmful to digest.

3 - For a pimple on lip, choose products specifically made for this area. This will help ensure the right type of treatment is being placed on the affected area.

4 - Do be mindful of open sores. Pimple on lip conditions can worsen when the pimples are picked or they are broken open. When this occurs, treat the area as an injury and sore. Use antibiotics to help reduce inflammation.

5 - Avoid the use of lipsticks or chemical based lip-gloss while you have a pimple on lip areas. Doing so can worsen the condition or lead to additional inflammation and infection.

In some situations, the condition can worsen leading to intense pain and discomfort. To avoid this, you should treat the condition sooner rather than later. You will want to invest the time into choosing a product that is well-known for providing help for a pimple on lip areas. It is not often necessary to head to the doctor for this type of condition, unless it becomes very sore, tender or inflamed due to a worsening infection. Keep the lips dry. Avoid licking them or applying to much of a oil-based product. This will worsen the condition further. The good news is that with these pimples, you can treat the condition without any lasting effects.

Pimples are a condition that happens to many people. Take the time to find out how to treat Pimples. http://www.ourpimples.com

Pimple on Lip


Read through Popular Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal THat Can Help Clear Your Skin Up extra

Popular Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal THat Can Help Clear Your Skin Up

Pimple Remedies

Pimple Remedies

There are plenty of acne medications available, but not everybody is keen on using synthetic products and ingredients on a regular basis. They are concerned that their skin might be affected. So they like to use a home remedy for acne scar removal.

Home remedies have often been passed down from generation to generation, and incorporate a range of natural products. They improve the texture and tone of the skin, and can help reduce the intensity of acne scars. It's no good being impatient though - they take time to work. Often if takes between 3 and 6 months before you'll notice that the scars are markedly reduced or have even vanished completely. Sometimes a remedy might work perfectly for you, but be totally ineffective on someone else. But don't give up - you can always try another remedy, until you find one that works for you.

One popular remedy for acne scar removal which many people find effective is to apply a mixture of cucumber and tomato juice to your face. Tomatoes are known for their antioxidant qualities, and can help prevent the skin being damaged at the cellular levels. It also helps strengthen the immune system and improve the skin tone. Cucumber and tomato are also both very good at tightening up the pores of your skin.

The first step is to wash your face with lukewarm water, to make sure there are not traces of make up or ointment left on your face. Apply the juices in the form of a mask, and keep it in place for 20 to 30 minutes before you remove it.

Another effective remedy is to make a paste from sandalwood and black gram. Use either milk or rose water as the base for the paste. Apply over the whole face, or just in the affected area, and leave it overnight. Wash your face clean with cool water in the morning. Sandalwood does a great job of reducing skin inflammation and irritation because it has a cooling effect.

Tea tree oil from Australia and Neem paste from India are two other very useful remedies. They both have very good bactericidal properties, and many people have found them very effective in treating scars and also in preventing further infection.

Another way of drawing out the pimple and speeding up the healing process is to use egg whites. Again, these are used as a facemask and left overnight. Wheat germ is another possibility, as it's right in vitamins and has a positive effect on the skin if taken regularly.

If the inflammation is severe and you need quick relief, try using an ice pack. An ice pack can be very effective at reducing swelling and inflammation, and helps to tighten the skin pores.

Interested in improving the way your skin looks with home remedies for acne scar removal techniques? Then try visiting Clear-Skin-Solutions.com where you will find valuable acne fighting information on adult and baby acne, the best acne treatments and acne skin care products that really work to make your acne disappear.

Read through How To Prevent And Treat Pimple On Nose much more

You know how when you see someone, the first thing that you look at is their face? Imagine yourself having a pimple on nose situation. What can be worse than a glaring pimple located at the center of your face which becomes the center of attention for the people around you and making you so conscious that you can't concentrate on anything else than getting rid of that pimple?

Socially, a nose pimple can be so troublesome but it is very easy to treat and it will eventually go away even without the use of creams or ointments that would more likely cause you harmful effects than benefits. Pimples result from the clogging of pores, trapping the natural oils inside where bacteria produce toxins, resulting to inflammation and eruptions. These processes can be easily dealt with and can be easily prevented naturally by just a few simple steps that you should, and you should not do.

The daily build up of grime, grease, smoke and dusts on your face usually causes the clogging of your pores. You must make it a point to wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once at the end of your day. This will rid your skin of the dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria, but remember to not overdo the washing, else it would leave your skin too dry.

Keep your hands and hair off your face. The dirt that can be transferred to your face would more likely contribute to breakouts so never touch it and never squeeze it. At some point, it would be inevitable to touch your face so you should at least try to wash your hands frequently and wash your hair every day.

Eat plenty of vegetables to stock up on vitamins. Remember that the skin is part of your body and that the body relies on nutrients to thrive. If your body is not receiving proper nutrition, then one way it would manifest is by reducing the ability of your skin to heal and fight irritants on your skin.

A well-known and effective remedy in treating pimples is by applying the affected area with lemon juice. Lemon contains citric acid which exfoliates the skin. Aside from that it acts as an astringent drying up the pimple therefore making the healing process faster.

Just follow these simple regimens and make it a habit to make sure that you would be free of any pimple on nose situations. You wouldn't even need any of those synthetic medical treatments that could be harmful if used excessively.


These tips helped me get rid of my severe acne and breakouts and I'm sure they will work for you as well. But honestly, there's 1 more secret that I haven't mentioned yet that got rid of my acne permanently and naturally. It also helped me vanish my pimple scars for good(my friends kept asking me how I did it). To know my #1 secret, visit http://AcneRedMarks.com

How To Prevent And Treat Pimple On Nose

Examine Pimple Home Remedies extra

Almost everyone gets pimples at a certain stage in their life. It is more common during puberty but can be seen in young adults. It isn't uncommon to rush for antibiotics for acne once you have a breakout. However, it usually isn't the best choice. The reason for this is that the antibiotics might cost a lot and also have possible side effects. If you want simple remedies to treat pimples, here are some pimple home remedies you can try out.

Regular cleaning of the skin with water

Although this might seem too basic, cleaning your skin with water plays a major role in preventing and also treating pimples. Pimples come as a result of clogged skin pores. This can be as a result of dirt and dead skin cells accumulating on the skin. Apart from dirt and skin cells, other residue which might cause breakouts include sebum and makeup. Regular cleaning ensures that the skin doesn't accumulate such residue. It's also worth considering the type of soap you use to clean your skin. Avoid soap which leaves your skin dry since this might trigger excessive sebum production.

Baking soda

Baking soda has an antiseptic effect and will help kill bacteria found on the skin. For use, you can create a paste by mixing baking soda with water, lemon juice or honey and apply it on the skin. After a few minutes wash it off. This baking soda cream will act as an exfoliant removing dead skin cells and unclogging skin pores allowing for skin rejuvenation.


Studies have found garlic to have many health benefits. It acts as an antibacterial when applied on the skin or eaten. To reduce pimples, crush the garlic and mix it with water. Apply the solution on the affected area and wash off after a few minutes. The garlic kills the bacteria which causes the pimples. The main disadvantage of this treatment method is that you will have to bear the smell!

Lemon/orange peel or juice

These citrus fruits contain acids which act as antibacterial and exfoliants. When applied on pimples, the citric acid kills acne causing bacteria and also helps to remove the dead skin cells. For use, rub a lemon or orange peel on the affected area and let it stand for a few minutes before washing off. Do the same with lemon or orange juice.


Strawberries are excellent sources of antioxidants and salicylic acid. The antioxidants help to reduce the amount of toxins found in the body and consequently the amount of toxins finding their way to the skin. Salicylic acid on the other hand works as an exfoliant helping to unclog skin pores and remove dead skin cells. For use, simply rub a slice of strawberry on he affected area of eat the berries.


Natural honey has been found to have antibacterial properties and an effective way to treat pimples. It can be effectively used as a face mask for facial pimples. It can also be used along side lemon juice for better results.


Vinegar has antibacterial and exfoliant properties. When applied to the skin, it increases the skins pH making it less prone to bacterial attacks. As an exfoliant, it helps unclog skin pores and remove dead skin cells.

Are there side effects associated with pimple home remedies?

To begin with, home remedies for pimple treatment won't work for everyone. The main reason for this is that we all have different skin types and there is no known universal home remedy for pimple treatment. In addition, there are factors which can contribute to the effectiveness of a home remedy such as lifestyle and diet. Some of the treatment methods can also have possible side effects which include the following.

Skin irritation
Increased skin sensitivity
Dry and flaky skin

There are many other pimple home remedies not mentioned. Despite being effective, they can have side effects and also not work for everyone. For simple pimple home based remedies, you can get your free copy of my report on hoe to get rid of acne. The report details 5 simple steps on how to free yourself from acne. Although these are home based remedies, they are quite powerful given the fact that not only do they eliminate pimples, they also don't have any side effects and also help in your body's overall health.


To discover the 5 simple steps to curing acne, take advantage of this resource while it's still available. Finally get your acne under control, quickly and easily.

Pimple Home Remedies


Examine How to Pop a Pimple the Right Way far more

How to Pop a Pimple the Right Way


I rarely advocate the popping of pimples because of the risk it brings to scarring. However, after many requests on the proper way to do this, I've added this section.

I often get emails from people who say they can't possibly go out into public with a huge pimple on their face. They want to pop it, but don't want to make the infection worse.

Here's the deal. I don't encourage pimple popping because when it's done incorrectly you can actually push the clog further down into the pore and create a much more stubborn pimple.

You can also spread the Sebum (oil) throughout the skin causing further breakouts in the surrounding area. If you don't want your acne to become "deep rooted" but you MUST pop the pimple, you'll want to pop your pimples using the following technique.

1. Depending on where the pimple is, you'll want to shower or wash your face GENTLY with warm water.

2. Be sure that you've washed your hands with some sort of antibacterial soap as to not spread germs into the pimple.

3. Take a piece of tissue in each hand and create a barrier between the pimple and your fingers with the tissue. The idea is to keep the pimple as clean as possible.

4. Gently apply pressure by squeezing with your fingers. When possible, try to squeeze in a direction away from the pimple. This can be hard to do with smaller acne so just do your best.

5. Do not squeeze any more after the pus has come out! If you see clear fluid or blood - STOP. This is how squeezing can escalate infection.

6. Afterwards, apply a drop of benzoyl-peroxide (acne product) to a small piece of tissue, cotton swab or gauze pad. Some people can use a drop of rubbing alcohol if their skin isn't too sensative. The idea is to dry the open wound and kill any bacteria inside. When it comes to acne medicine, Less is More. You can easily irritate the open pimple by using too much.

For more information on Natural Acne Control and Treatments, visit http://www.Natural-Acne-Control.com

Read through How To Pop A Pimple far more


In the first place, should you pop a pimple?

There is always the danger of spreading the infection.

Yet when you go for a facial, part of the facial, especially for someone who suffers from acne, is the very painful extraction.

Let's go through what happens with a professional acne facial.

First, face is cleansed thoroughly with skincare products meant for acne.

A scrub mask may be put on the face and then the face is steamed with a portable steamer meant for facials for 15 minutes.

The therapist would gently massage the skin with the scrub to remove debris. Then a wet sponge is used to rinse off the scrub completely.

At home, you can get the same effect by washing your face. Then apply a scrub mask on your face.

Bend over a bowl of just boiled water, with your face 10 inches above the water surface, for 15 minutes to let the steam 'open' your pores.

Then rinse off the scrub mask with warm water.

Next, the extraction and pimple popping begins.

A pimple extractor - that insidious instrument of torture with a ring at one end for the blackheads and a needle at the other end to prick the pimples is used.

The ring is pressed glided against the skin to press out the blackheads that are now loosened.

Then only the pimples that are ripe are pierced.

The sharp end of the extractor should be sterilized over fire. In a salon, a new needle is taken out of a sterile pack to lance the pimples.

Only the pus filled pimples that are already going to pop are pierced at the side. Then the pus is squeezed out with the clean fingers until all the pus is out and some blood comes out.

An antiseptic is applied on the wounds to prevent infection.

A kaolin mask or mud mask is applied over the skin.

After rinsing off the mask, an antiseptic pimple treatment is applied again on the pressed out pimples to prevent infection.

Personally, I wouldn't pop the pimples as it could lead to infection and scarring. Better to use an acne remedy to treat the pimples and to take acne pills [http://www.sisadvice.com/acne-pills.htm] to get rid of the pimples for good.

The author wrote more about acne at [http://www.sisadvice.com/teenskinwoes.html]

How To Pop A Pimple

Read Home Remedies For Pimples far more

Most acne sufferers with Internet access are now looking towards home remedies to cure their pimples. The reason for this is because they're cheap and are generally more effective than over the counter products which you buy from local drug stores. Home remedies are now even more popular than over the counter products for good reason as well! If you're still buying those over the counter products, stop right now. There is a cheaper and more effective to cure your pimples. And that cheaper and more effective way comes in the form of uusing household ingredients to create a effective solution that will cure your pimples in just a few weeks, if you stick to a consistent plan.

Home Remedies For Pimples

Lemon juice and rose water. This is probably the best home remedy around. From my experience it was the most effective in clearing up my pimples. It left me with pimple free skin! It also gave my skin a more of a natural and healthy feel. What you do with the remedy is simple; you mix the two solutions together, apply to a cotton pad or sponge, and then apply that to your pimples - then wash off after 20 minutes or so!

The other home remedy that I've personally used and that worked for me, is the use of fresh garlic. What you do is crush 3 garlic bulbs up, into small pieces, grab a handful of those small pieces and rub onto your infected pimples, then simply wash off with warm water after an hour or so.

If you use these home remedies for pimples effectively and have a consistent plan in place, I promise you'll be pimple free in just a few weeks!

Pimple Remedies

Do you want to learn the methods that are unknown to the average acne sufferer?

Discover how I cured my acne in under a week, by visiting StopTheAcne.com

Learn the methods that Hollywood Celebrities use to achieve an acne free face, by clicking HERE

Home Remedies For Pimples

Pimple Remedies