Read Tips For Getting Rid of Pimple Scars additional

A pimple scar can be even more difficult to get rid of than the pimple itself. Some acne sufferers are surprised to find scars left behind by even the most small and unassuming pimples. This can be very frustrating for people who thought their skincare woes would end once their pimples were gone. Here are a few tips for dealing with acne marks.

The most important thing to remember is that acne scars are treatable. They usually take much longer to go away than pimples do, but with some patience and persistence, it can usually be done. The exact length of time and course of treatment needed will depend on the severity and type of acne.

If you are not reasonable in your expectations, you will only end up frustrated and disappointed. Pimple marks do not go away overnight. Flat red marks from recent mild pimples will usually subside within a few weeks, whereas deep pitted scars can take years to truly go away. Certain types of acne, particularly hormonal acne, can lead to scars no matter what you do. However, with all pimples, picking or squeezing is a surefire way to increase the chance of leaving a permanent scar. It can be very tempting to pick at pimples because many people believe this makes them go away faster, but the tradeoff is that you are stuck with the scar longer. Keep this in mind the next time you want to pick a blemish!

Because this is such a common problem, there are numerous remedies on the market for treating acne scars. With so many different types of products, it can be difficult to know where to begin. There really isn't one "magic cure" to get rid of all scars. It usually takes some experimenting to find out what works best for your skin type and the type of marks you have.

One of the cheapest remedies for acne scars is using lemon juice, so that might be a good starting point because if you get lucky and it works, you will save a lot of money in the long run! Just apply some fresh lemon juice to the affected area twice a day for about a month. If you don't start to notice an improvement, then it's time to try something else. Vitamin E is another natural scar treatment that many people have used successfully for all types of scars. Liquid Vitamin E helps skin regenerate and keeps it very moist, which is essential for healing. Many over the counter scar treatments found in drug stores can be used for acne scars as well. Severe scarring can be quite resistant and may necessitate professional treatment such as skin peels, laser treatment, or prescription medication.


For more detailed advice on getting rid of pimple scars, check out the list at Acne Tips 101.

Tips For Getting Rid of Pimple Scars