Examine 4 Awesome Easy and Effective Pimple Remedies additional

Small as it may look to the eye; a pimple is definitely as large as a mountain to the person who suffers from it. A small, red and angry pimple is more than adequate to spoil the appearance of the most beautiful face in the world. No wonder that pimple remedies are being searched for frantically all over the internet.

Let us have a look at some sure fire methods to deal with pimples in a jiffy; so that you are presenting a blemish free face at your next social appearance.

Tip #1: Using Aspirin to Deal with the Nasty Pimple

Surprised at the mention of using Aspirin to tackle pimples? Well, as you may be already aware; Aspirin is a medication used to deal with inflammation. A pimple is nothing but an inflammation of your facial pore; so using Aspirin is quite effective.

But if you thought that you were supposed to eat an Aspirin tablet to cure your pimple, then you are again wrong. Crush an Aspirin tablet and make a thick paste of it using just a few drops of water.

Aspirin tablets come in 2 different forms like coated and uncoated tablets. Use only the uncoated ones to ensure maximum benefit.

Apply this paste on your pimple and leave it for at least 20 minutes. Once this paste dries up, you can clean your face up by washing it with water that is either warm or lukewarm. Using warm water is not only effective in removing the thickened Aspirin paste but also ensures that the pores of the face are opened up.

Tip #2 Ice Cube as one of the easiest pimple remedies

Ice cubes can be extremely useful in calming down a red and inflamed pimple. Though you cannot cure pimples permanently using an ice cube; but it can save you from the embarrassment of sporting a red and swollen pimple in public.

The best part about this tip is that it is so easy and an ice cube is something that is always at hand. Apply the cube of ice directly on the spot of the pimple.

Keeping the ice cube in prolonged contact with the skin can turn your face numb and blue. So continue pressing down the ice cube only for as long as you find it comfortable; and take short breaks in between.

Tip #3 Use an Anti-hemorrhoid ointment to combat the redness and swelling

Hemorrhoids are extremely painful, swollen and involve engorgement of the veins of the rectum. The anti-hemorrhoid cream reduces the extra flow of blood in to the rectum and thus relieves pain and swelling of the hemorrhoids.

Using this ointment on your face is one of the most effective pimple remedies. It will bring down the swelling, pain and heat of the pimple within a relatively short span of time.

Tip #4 Putting Your Toothpaste to an Even Better Use

Toothpaste can clean your teeth and keep them sparkling white. But did you know that your toothpaste could help you in relieving the discomfort from an inflamed pimple?

Toothpastes come in different varieties, and some of them are especially meant for removal of stains from teeth; while some others are just plain and yet other kinds are used for sensitive teeth.

You will need the plain toothpaste to treat your pimples. Just dab the toothpaste onto your pimple and allow it to remain overnight. You can wash your face off with lukewarm water in the morning.

Pimple Remedies

Oliver Muller is publisher of http://www.AcneCareInfoGuide.com. On his website he provides information on pimple remedies, and other general information on acne. You can also register for FREE Mini-Course on how to care for your acne.

4 Awesome Easy and Effective Pimple Remedies