Understand Get Rid of a Pimple Fast much more


You have a hot date and you've picked out just the right outfit. A last check in the mirror before you walk out the door shows that you have a pimple. You must get rid of it fast, but how?

Most of us will just pop the darn thing and be on our way. The problem with this 'solution' is that if it isn't done right, the pimple will come back, bigger and uglier than ever, possibly while you are still on that date. The right way to pop it will not take much time and is more likely to be a more permanent 'fix'. First, use a warm washcloth to make sure that pimple is as close to the surface as you can get it, and your skin is feeling soft and supple. Make sure the washcloth is clean and sanitized. Next, get out a needle and that all-important isopropyl alcohol that almost everyone has in their medicine cabinet. You then want to sterilize the needle to avoid infection.. Carefully, insert the needle into the zit. If there is any pain at all, you have gone too far. Just under the surface is as far as you want to go. Now, since your fingers are NOT sterile, and will only add another infection to that pimple you just opened, get some tissue to cover them before squeezing from two sides, pushing down as well as in. If clear fluid or blood starts to come out, you've removed all the pus you can get at right now. You need to staunch the flow and go out to enjoy your date. There is nothing more you can do for now.

If you want to resolve an ongoing problem, you first need to know what a pimple really is. It's a clogged pore. If you are prone to pimples, the first thing you need to do is keep your skin clean. For people in their teen years, this may mean washing their faces three, four or more times a day. The excess hormones associated with puberty can rev up the oil production of your skin, clogging your pores and creating a perfect place for bacteria to multiply, causing a pus-filled pimple or zit. If you feel like your face is going to fall off with all the washing you are doing, yet you still have a problem, you may wish to consider laser treatment or other drastic measures.

That is just one method to get rid of a pimple fast. For more information on how to be acne free, click on the highlighted links.

Get Rid of a Pimple Fast