Study How to Pop a Pimple With a Needle more

Many people think that popping their pimple is probably a bad idea. However, it's not really a bad idea if you know how to do it correctly. The problem is, trying to get rid of your zit too early can cause scarring, and make things worse before they get better. The other problem is, using your fingers, and incorrectly going about this can again cause scarring, and cause you to breakout in other areas.

Before You Attempt The Task:

Before you decide to get rid of your pimple, you will want to determine if you should even attempt do so. If there is not a whitehead, you probably shouldn't attempt it. However, once a whitehead is present, you have the green light to follow the given instructions.

What You Are Going to Need:

A Sterilized Needle
A Clean Towel
2 Q-Tips
Acne Medication

How To Pop Your Pimple:

1. Run your clean towel under warm water.

2. Place the towel over your pimple.

3. Leave the towel on your face for about a minute.

4. Grab your sterilized needle.

5. Carefully prick the top of your whitehead.

6. Take your q-tips and gently squeeze the outsides of the pimple.

7. After it's popped, wash your face with your acne medication.

Extra Tips:

Never try to do this if the pimple is not yet a whitehead.
Always wash your hands beforehand.
Always use your acne medication or face wash after popping your pimple.
Wash your hands afterward.

If you followed the above tips in the following order, you've successfully gotten rid of your zit. Again, it's important to remember that you shouldn't try this on anything but a whitehead. Doing so will usually cause your face to redden, usually making things even worse than they were before. On the other hand, if you have a whitehead, there is no reason that you should wait for your pimple to go away on it's own. When this is true, you can perform the given instructions to get rid of your pimple.

As a final tip, if you have to shave, always shave around your area of infection. Only once you have shaved, then you can go about following the tips above to get rid of your whitehead. Once you've gotten rid of your whitehead, I recommend taking a shower, and using your topical acne solution. Remember, it's important that you don't touch other areas of your face during the process, as this can lead to more breakouts.


If you're still having trouble, you're going to want to read this post on how to get rid of a zit: I know that acne can cause you to be depressed, but know that I'm here to help. Click here for more information on getting clear skin. I have some of my best tips on that blog.

How to Pop a Pimple With a Needle