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Easy Ways to Remove Pimples

Pimple Remedies

Pimples are like uninvited guests, which often come right before some important event like parties, dates, interviews and can make you embarrassed. You need not be embarrassed as there are many remedies for pimple reduction. An important thing that you should remember is that the pimples should not be squeezed as it can lead to further inflammation and scarring. I will list of the more popular overnight remedies in this article.

A Popular Overnight Pimple Remedy There are three 3 steps in this process,

Step one - the excess oil from the face should be dried up

To dry up the excess oil, make a paste of oat meal with water and apply it to the pimple and let it dry for 20-30 minutes. Then, wash it with lukewarm water.

Step two - the swelling should be reduced

Now to reduce swelling, grind fresh orange peel with water and make a paste, apply it and keep it for 30 Minutes. Orange has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in reducing the swelling.

Step three - the redness is to be reduced

Lastly, boil a cup of water and add three spoons of dried basil leaves and let it soak for 20 minutes and after it gets cool, apply to the affected area using a cotton ball. All this should be done before you go to sleep.

Other simple Pimple Remedies

Here are other simple pimple remedies using very simple ingredients that is readily available.

1. You can use non gel type tooth paste. Wash your hand and squeeze a small amount of tooth paste on your pimple and let it dry over-night, it pulls the pus from the pimple and helps in reducing the pimple.

2. You can also use a paste of baking soda mixed with water and apply it on the pimple overnight; this also has the same effect as the tooth paste.

3. We can use ice to reduce inflammation. Rub ice cubes on the pimples to reduce inflammation.

4. You can also use eye drops which are used to reduce the redness in your eyes, as it restricts the blood-vessels from the surface and helps in taking away the color.

Natural Pimple Remedies

1. Apply a mixture which is prepared by mixing three spoons of honey with one soon of cinnamon powder and apply it to the affected area over-night.

2. Apply raw papaya juice on the pimple for its cure

3. Applying fresh extract of mint juice is an easiest and effective pimple remedy.

4. Peal of the pomegranate fruit and dry the peel and make a powder out of it, add some lime juice to the powder and make it a paste. Apply the paste on the affected area.

5. Take two table spoons of fenugreek leaves, compress them and add some water to make a paste. Apply the paste on the safe and keep it over-night and then wash it with lukewarm water in the morning. It helps in removing the pimples mainly for the people with dry skin.

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