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Tips For Getting Rid Of a Pimple


Don't you ever wonder how pimples seem to have the perfect timing and just pop in your skin? Just when you are going to have to attend an important affair it decides to drop by.

Pimples are not only difficult to remove it also lessens our self-esteem. Having blemishes especially on special days can make you feel inferior. How to remove them away right on time?

Here are a few tips on how to get rid of those unwelcome pimples.

1. Cool it - place a cold glass, bottle or ice pack in the affected area to minimize swelling.

2. Touch not - don't you ever squeeze those zits no matter how tempting it may seem. Pricking or squeezing you pimple will give more chances of zits growing in that area. Would you want to further aggravate the situation?

3. Germfree hands - did you wash your hands before you touched your face? Or is your hand a breeding ground for germs?

4. Hide it - if your affair is on the same day concealers are the way to go. Hide those imperfections and look pretty for your meeting.

5. Medicine OK - a topical paste that has salicylic acid does wonders for that zit...benzyl peroxide too. (not recommended for highly sensitive skin though)

6. Make-up check - use hypo-allergenic cosmetics with no oil.

7. Un-mask nightly - Remove your make-up and let your skin breath and rejuvenate.

8. Mask it - facial mask are the best thing it helps in the rejuvenation of the skin and it removes deep seated dirt. There are a lot of different masks available choose the ones with ingredients that are less harmful to the skin.

9. Wash up - try to wash your face before you go to bed to be sure no oil, germs and dirt will be welcoming pimple growth.

10. Pillow change - Your pillow cases is a treasure chest for germs. Change it regularly to prevent those germs going to your face.

11. Clean hair- wash your hair regularly since it comes in contact to your face. Make it a point to rinse your hair very well too. If your hair falls in your face try to avoid it by using clips.

12. Telephone operator - do you use the phone for long hours and allow the receiver to touch your chin? Don't you notice that area has quite a number of pimples? Clean your phone regularly and avoid letting it come in contact with your skin. Better yet why don't you use the phones with a microphone instead?

13. The doctor is in - go seek advice from the one who has the knack to remove those blemishes. It is still best to go to a doctor in the field of dermatology who knows how to handle those persistent pimples with out jeopardizing your skin to future scars.

How to zap them is easy but you must remember this is just temporary. How to zap them for good and completely needs a good amount of determination and religious cleaning, but seeing your skin clearer...isn't that worth all the hassle?

The skin is the most visible and the largest organ of the body let us not take it for granted. You wouldn't want to have scars right? Let a professional see it and remember not to prick it.

Remember, Hygiene is the key to all your pimple worries. Once you get that clear skin you will be on your way to a brighter and more positive outlook in life. Wouldn't you want to face the world with a smoother clearer skin?

To learn more tips on having clear skin, please visit [].