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Basically Acne starts with an infection that is considered blackheads or pimples. Blackheads and pimples appear because of enlarged pores that get covered with grease, bacteria or even dead skin cells.

A pimple, when first developing, is invisible to the eye and will grow under the skin surface once infection sets in. As soon as this happens bacteria inside the inflamed pore will blossom and swell and expand into a pimple or blackhead. Our white blood cells will eventually begin to fight the infection and cause the pimple to go away.

Fact: Almost all pimples start the same way, with an infection. But, pimples take different forms and react differently according to the person who has them.

Types of Acne

Without inflammation

· Closed or Whiteheads: A closed follicle, a pouch like cavity, stays below our skins surface and is unable to open. This type of "Whitehead" will appear to the skin as small white lumps.

· Open or Blackheads: A closed pimple will enlarge and push its way to the outside surface of the skin. Blackheads are not necessarily related to dirty skin, but the excess of melanin (a dark pigment of our skin).

With Inflammation

· Furuncle: The Furuncle is the most common type of acne with inflammation. It appears as a small pinkish pimple and may feel sensitive to the touch. The Furuncle is considered to be the first step in a pimple becoming infected.

· Pimples with Puss: These differ slightly from furuncles, they are irritated and contain a yellowish, whitish center called puss. Pimples with puss usually mean that there is a lot of bacteria build up under the skins surface. Such a pimple almost always is caused by a chemical irritation to the sebaceous glands or components.

· Lumps or Nodules: These are large (often sore to the touch) lumps that are irritated. They are filled with bacteria and puss deep under the skin surface. This type of infected pimple will be seen in the most severe cases of acne and may persist for weeks or even months. The bacteria usually spreads to other areas causing an even larger outbreak. It is this type of Acne that leaves scars and pox marks.

How can you cure Acne ?

· Acne Prescription Medication: Some are applied to the skin (Topical) or many need to be swallowed / ingested.

Some of these medications include:

o Istretinoin is reserved for the most severe cases.

o Erythromycin is effective against a much of the different types of bacteria formed by acne.

o Tetracycline and derivatives reduce inflammatory lesions of acne. High doses can be prescribed for severe acne.

o Oral contraceptives has worked well with women under 35 and do not have other ailments.


· Antimicrobials work to inhibit acne population and can be used on patients that are mild to severe.

o Benzoyl Peroxide (which is found in most over the counter treatments).

· Retinoids this type of topical treatment usually is prescribed to tread mild to moderately severe acne.

o Adapalene

Remember each drug has its own side effects. Some side effects include but are not limited to: minor skin irritation, itching, burning, redness, (if taking while pregnant) birth defects, sun sensitivity, allergic reactions that can cause in death in rare cases, resistance to antibiotics, headaches, nausea, weight gain, thinning of hair (temporary), joint pain and decreased night vision.

If possible it is suggested that you try a natural homeopathic remedy for acne before you go to the doctor and get a prescription for a drug that might not work well or have terrible side effects. Below is a link to a natural alternative that includes some very efficient and simple methods for you to cure Acne naturally and for good! To learn more visit my blog see link below.

ACNEVOLUTION introduces an innovative and 100% natural solution. The average treatment time is three to six weeks with a complete cure happening within three months. To learn more Click Here!

Pimple Treatment